Do you want to add bootstrap alerts to your blog?
Here is how to do it!
The Code
Add the following code to your functions.php.
Aside of bootstrap I use fontawesome icons for the alerts.
* Shorcode function for creating bootsrap alerts.
* @param type either one of "default", "primary", ""secondary" "info", "success",
* "warning" or "danger"
* @param title optional title for the alert
* @param icon optional custom fontawesome icon for the alert
function my_alert($atts, $content) {
$attributes = shortcode_atts( array(
'type' => 'info',
'title' => '',
'icon' => '',
), $atts );
// Resolve Icon
$icon = $attributes['icon'];
if($attributes['icon'] == ''){
case "info": $icon = 'info-circle'; break;
case "danger": $icon = 'exclamation-circle'; break;
case "warning": $icon = 'exclamation-triangle'; break;
case "success": $icon = 'check-circle'; break;
default: '';
// Build Alert HTML
$result = '<div class="alert alert-' . $attributes['type'] . ' flex-row-nowrap flex-align-center" role="alert">';
if($icon != ''){
$result .= '<i class="fa fa-' . $icon . '"></i>' . "\n";
$result .= '<span class="flex-item-grow ml-2">';
if($attributes['title'] != ''){
$result .= '<strong>' . $attributes['title'] . '</strong><br>' . "\n";
$result .= $content . '</span>' . "\n";
$result .= ' </div>' . "\n";
return $result;
add_shortcode( 'alert', 'my_alert' );
Shortcode Usage
The shortcode can be used like this:
[alert type="info"]This is a info alert![/alert]
[alert type="info" title="With title"]This is a info alert with title![/alert]
[alert type="warning"]This is a warning alert![/alert]
[alert type="danger"]This is a danger alert![/alert]
[alert type="success"]This is a success alert![/alert]
[alert type="primary" title="With title no icon"]This is a primary alert![/alert]
[alert type="secondary" title="With title an custom icon" icon="envelope"]This is a secondary alert![/alert]
Example Alerts
Here what it looks like when above shortcode examples get rendered:
This is a info alert!
With title
This is a info alert with title!
This is a info alert with title!
This is a warning alert!
This is a danger alert!
This is a success alert!
With title no icon
This is a primary alert!
This is a primary alert!
With title an custom icon
This is a secondary alert!
This is a secondary alert!