Infrared Artificial

A while ago I stumbled over the process of how you can create an artificial infrared effect with photoshop and other image manipulation programs. In this gallery you will find some examples of such images.I wrote a tutorial on how to create this effect. If you want to do it yourself, check out this post.

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Infrared Photography

After I bought a new camera, I decided to tamper with one of my old cameras and rebuild it to a infrared camera.The following images were shot with a digital infrared camera and edited in photoshop.

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Infrared Effect

Sometimes you encounter one of these really dreamy images, where the treeas are red or white and the sky is nice and blue. This images where in most cases made with infrared photography, where nit only the visible light is captured, but as well light that falls out of the visible spectrum. Luckily, you don’t need to have an infrared camera to do such images, but you can simulate the effect with photo manipulation. In this tutorial I will show you how to do this in photoshop, but the same technique can be used in other tools like Affinity Photo.

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