Have you ever searched for an image useful for a song cover or a video thumbnail, but didn’t find anything useful? I got your back! I created several free Pixabay images with exactly this purpose in mind.
Most of the designs are round and centered, so that you can crop the image to a square and it still would look fine.
Just place your text and whatever else you need on the design and you are ready to go.
Most of the designs where created with products that you can find in my store.
Full size versions of the images can be downloaded from my Pixabay profile.
Melody of Fantasy
Just and abstract design that looks nice. (download here)

Digital Hurricane
A technical wallpaper that can be useful in the context of science or digital topics. (download here)

Magic of Ascension
An image that can be useful for topics related to meditation and yoga. (download here)

Space in the Forest
Tree arieal view cover image that can be useful for anything realted to nature. (download here)

Ring of Fire
A buring image for anything that might be spicy and hot! (download here)

Smoke of Love
Heart shaped smoke with some tattoo decorations. (download here)

Ritual of Daemons
A bloody and dark background (download here)

Colorful Flower
A flower with nice coloring and some decorations. (download here)

Futuristic Circle
The image that was used on multiple youtube song videos that inspired me to create this list. (download here)

Army of Spirographs
Just a lot of spirographs placed in a radial fashion. (download here)

Sliced Flower
Some abstract art that doesn’t need any regular watering. (download here)

Radial Circles
Originally created as a cover image for my radial design pack, why not providing it as a free image? (download here)

Wireframe Speaker
A speaker made of a wireframe. (download here)