Javascript: Generic Table of Contents Function

Ever needed to create a table of contents for all your <h*>-elements on a webpage?
The following javascript function is a easy way to do it.

The Code

 * Create a table of contents for the h-elements on the page.
 * @param contentAreaSelector the jQuery selector for the element containing all 
 * the headers to show in the table of contents
 * @param targetSelector the jQuery selector for the resulting table of contents
 * @return nothing
function table_of_contents(contentAreaSelector, resultSelector){
	var target = $(resultSelector);
	var headers = $(contentAreaSelector).find("h1:visible, h2:visible, h3:visible, h4:visible, h5:visible, h6:visible, h7:visible, h8:visible, h9:visible");
	//Loop all visible headers
	currentLevel = 1;
	resultHTML = "<h1>Table of Contents</h1><ul>";
	for(i = 0; i < headers.length ; i++){
		head = headers[i];
		headLevel = head.tagName[1];
		//increase list depth
		while(currentLevel < headLevel){
			resultHTML += "<ul>";
		//decrease list depth
		while(currentLevel > headLevel){
			resultHTML += "</ul>";
		resultHTML += '<li><a href="#toc_anchor_'+i+'">'+head.innerHTML+'</li>';
		$(head).before('<a name="toc_anchor_'+i+'"></a>');
	// Close remaining levels
	while(currentLevel > 1){
		resultHTML += "</ul>";


developmentfunctiongenericheadersjavascriptjquerymethodtable of contentstitlestocweb

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