EMP – Fetch Data from JIRA

With the Engineered Monitoring Platform, you have the possibility to fetch data from REST APIs.In this post we have a look at how you can fetch data from JIRA and display them on a dashboard.

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Engineered Monitoring Platform (EMP)

Repository https://github.com/xresch/EngineeredMonitoringPlatform Introduction The Engineered Monitoring Platform(EMP) is a project which arised from the need to have a easy to customize Monitoring & Dashboarding solution. Company specific needs can easily be implemented through extensions and therefore can be tailored to a lot of situations. With a flexible Role & permission management it allows to grant access in verious ways, from public dashboards that do not need any login down to sharing dashboards with specific users and groups. EMP is built upon the CoreFramework(CFW) project. The following were the goals in mind when EMP was created: Quick Start You can find a lot of tutorials on the EMP Youtube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@EMPMonitoring Best Videos to Start: Youtube Playlists: Features Following is a list of features of EMP: Included Query Sources The query language can grab data from various sources. Here a list of most of them: Included Dashboard Widgets EMP is delivered with the following widgets:

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Making IntelliJ behave like an IDE

I was working with various IDEs through my career, but non of them had such bad default settings than IntelliJ. IntelliJ, trying to be “Context Aware”, will try to think for the developer and out of the box does a lot of stuff that isn’t necessary and also reduces productivity. Here is a list of things you can do to enhance your experience.

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List of Funny Random Job Titles

I am currently creating a statistics management software. For that I needed some test data. I put together a small amount of code to create random job titles. Here is a list of some of the funniest that the generator spit out.I leave the interpretation to you what kind of work is connected with those jobs. Over-Emotional Organization Troublemaker Vital Information Destroyer Trustworthy Food Whisperer Digital Performance God Executive Software Ninja Vanishing Tiramisu Expert Professional Information Magician Clueless Security Administrator Lost Food Genius Chief Dream Deputy Aspiring Area Slave Effective Underworld Locator Lunatic Promotion Engineer Over-Emotional Cheerleader Accelerator Vanishing Software Director Neglected Conversation Registrar Chief Executive Cleaner Accredited Internet Neglector Abstract Cream Officer Vital Workaround Designer Accredited Catastrophe Administrator Master Unicorn Expert Logical Health Creator Chief Coping Genius Academic Media Whisperer Certified Dream Listener Satisfied Catastrophe Locator Overlord Machine Commander King Catastrophe Creator Invasive Screaming Magician Clueless Communication Genius Emergency Dream Secretary Global Revenue Creator Empowering Machine Demi-God Interim Screaming Alchemist Paranoid Dream Cruncher Overlord Money Idler Lunatic Management Manager Certified Cream In-Charge Clueless Steam Maker Aspiring Paradise Executive Sovereign Realm Emperor Official Workaround Searcher Apocalyptic Cheerleader In-Charge Mental Catastrophe Educator Lunatic Organization Genius Senior Screaming Executive Lead Cream Leader […]

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Creative Issue Resolved Messages

I’m currently working on an alerting mechanism for the Engineered Monitoring Platform. I had the idea to add random messages when an issue got resolved. I got a bit carried away and the following list is the result.The code can be found in the CoreFramework repository.

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Javascript: Generic Table of Contents Function

Ever needed to create a table of contents for all your <h*>-elements on a webpage?The following javascript function is a easy way to do it. The Code

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JAVA MON AMOUR: When IT just sucks

My friend Pierluigi, a very nice italian guy, recently made a small blog post on his website about my work. So i thought I return the favor and mention him on my blog as well.

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Bash: Print Docu from Script Header

When I started to write bash scripts, I used to write a documentation in the script, and write a method to echo another documentation fur the user. It was a bit annoying to have redundant text and keep both up to date. So I wrote below function to print out what I put into the header of the script.

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WordPress: Bootstrap Button Shortcode

Do you want to have these stylish bootstrap buttons on your wordpress site?Try this shortcode. The Code Add the following code to your functions.php: Shortcode Usage Here some examples of how you can use the shortcode: Examples The above usage examples will be rendered like this:

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WordPress: Bootstrap Alert Shortcode

Do you want to add bootstrap alerts to your blog?Here is how to do it!

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